Other Creations


12 reasons why crocheting is healthy.

             It is true that I hate masking the threads, but I love the colored squares. Because they are beautiful, joyful, a little smack of a mouse and a lot of them can do. I like knitting both a carefree (not counting mesh) and this with obstacles, where you have to bite the pattern, figure it, at the same time warm up and that starting the gray brain cells, no and can sometimes even a little unstitch (but only a little). For as much, it ceases to be funny. And from that crocheting, I become increasingly dependent.
           Unfortunately, I am also dependent on the chocolate. For peace of mind and overall health choose the black, containing more than 70% of cocoa and mix it with milk. Because milk cancels the positive effects of chocolate (deactivates it contains polyphenols). For the same reason, tea with milk is not the best invention.  But since in the case of chocolate looked through the literature and dug 10 quite reasonable and quite serious reasons, for whom it is worth to eat it (10 reasons why you should eat chocolate). It is true that I did it mainly to calm my own conscience. (Okay, I admit, but who is without sin, let him cast the first stone) but now it falls to strain the gray cells of the brain and create a similar list for crochet.

1. When we have both hands busy knitting, we do not  have enough hands on snacking - completely bad for our health. You will not put a sweetness to your mouth by your  legs after all :)

2. When counting stitches and consider patterns,  our brain is busy with something quite constructive. So black thoughts in the head are not prowling around. And here, I think, I have to convince nobody that black thoughts are a poison for the body.

3. Crocheting is on the one hand quite easy to master, on the other hand, leaves infinite possibilities of development. Take a look on Pinterest. More and more new models, forms and color combinations. In the creative world of crochet (and Pinterest) no way to get bored. It also stimulates our gray cells positively (to positive thinking),  and in fact, does not allow the black thoughts come in.
4. Crocheting, like any manual drudgery, soothes the nerves and stress acidified body and deregulate many of its functions.

5. When we discover knitting, we start to search up the wonderful blogs with needlework. We want still more beautiful, still more creative stimulation. And the one who can see more and more beauty around can think positively.

6. Communing with beautiful things, touching them (whether manual or virtual) gives a positive aesthetic experience and they certainly have a positive effect on mood, humor and also health.

7. Contact with the yarn can improve well-being. Probably only for "in yarn-addicted". When you are doing what you love, the world seems more beautiful and happier. 

8. When you've finished knitting, we have the right to have a blissful feeling of contentment and satisfaction. Anything that acts as a spur - is health. Why? Because it stimulates the immune system to fight, (that is to defend the body). Negative thoughts are prophecy self-fulfilling. Filled with positive energy, we are able to move mountains. Well..., almost.

9. Crocheting is a great antidote to sadness, dullness, and boredom. Small and insignificant hobby able to oust the much larger, and much less sympathetic, burnout

10. Crocheting (or basically handicraft) can awaken in man the whole layers of creativity (not even unconscious) and with them a lot of positive energy.

11. Crocheting pulled us out of the computer and other devices that emit electromagnetic waves and positive ions (both harmful to health).

12. Crocheting is a great exercise for the fingers and wrists and probably never did anyone any harm.

I admit by the honor : the last argument is really stretched. If you don't  like it, give me another to get to number 12 :)


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